We are delighted in your interest in St. John’s Lutheran School. It is our prayer that being a part of the St. John’s family will be beneficial not only for your child, but for your entire family.


St. John’s is a Christian school in the Lutheran tradition, which means we believe in and trust in God – the Father who created us, the Son who died and rose for us, and the Spirit who lives in us and guides us. This God is revealed to us in the Bible, which we believe to be inspired by God Himself. Our desire and mission is to let every child know how precious they are in God’s sight and that they are loved by God not because of anything – good or bad – that they do, but because of what Jesus has done for them.


If you already have a church home, we are here to work alongside your congregation in providing any additional spiritual care that you might need. We will uphold your congregation and your pastors in our prayers as we engage in a common ministry.


If you do not have a church home, we invite you to look to St. John’s for any spiritual care your family might need. Please feel free to take part in as many or as few of the opportunities our congregation provides – all with no obligation.


If you would like to learn more about St. John’s, please click on the CHURCH tab at the top of the page.

Chapel Buddies

We believe in the power of community among our students. Building relationships among students of different grades is essential to building a sense of common experience and community. Chapel buddies are one way in which we promote relationships across grade levels.


Chapel buddies are comprised of students in grades K through 8 that worship together in chapel each week.  Additionally, chapel buddies collaborate together on service projects and fun activities throughout the school year.