The mission of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church (SJLC) is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, His followers, and His world.” We strive to carry out this mission by the power of the Holy Spirit and under the grace of God in Jesus Christ. This motivates us to provide a safe and nurturing Christian environment, both for those receiving ministry and for those providing ministry.
Click the button below to take a background check online.
Volunteer Background Check Requirement
To this end, SJLC requires volunteers who work with children or vulnerable adults in any of its ministries to submit to an annual background check. This requirement reflects our concern to make ministry to children, youth, and vulnerable adults as safe as possible for all of God’s people who come under the care of this congregation.
Background Investigation Bureau (BIB) and SecureVolunteer
To do this, we are contracted with Background Investigation Bureau (BIB) to use SecureVolunteer, a paperless and completely web-based system. SecureVolunteer is an online system created to help organizations manage volunteer screening and is powered by BIB, a nationally recognized screening firm founded in 1995. SecureVolunteer is easy to use.
How to Use
Go to SecureVolunteer for St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church. Follow the steps to submit your volunteer background check. It takes only minutes to complete and is a secure portal. You will receive notifications via email about status and approval. Approved volunteers also receive a SecureVolunteer ID card, which you should bring with you to all volunteer events.
Application Guidelines for School Parents and Guardians
- Select “School Parent.”
- Read the disclosure.
- Select “I Agree” and electronically sign the disclosure to authorize the search.
- Select “CA Applicant” at the bottom of the page.
- Complete personal information on the next page.
- Select “St. John’s Lutheran School” on the pull-down menu under “Volunteer Details.”
- Explain the reason for volunteering (e.g., “To chaperone _____’s class field trips”) and indicate your child(ren)’s classroom.
Please note: If you wish to drive students on field trips, you MUST select the “School Parent” package, rather than the “Volunteer” package.
Background Check Details
SecureVolunteer provides a professional-grade background check, which includes an Address History Trace, county-level searches in every county of current and past residences, a national criminal record locator search as a supplement to expand the scope of the search with any records found verified at the court of record, and a real-time search of all available sex offender registries. Applicants enter their own data, so private nonessential information will not be disclosed to system administrators. BIB is PCI Certified, with safeguards to protect personal data.
Thank you for participating in, and supporting, this process to create a safer environment for our school.